Lung Conditions
Talking Therapies – Long Term Conditions
Talking Therapies offer support for people with long term health conditions. It provides access to psychological therapy for stress and low mood for people with long term illnesses -Type 1 and Type 2 Diabetes, CV, IBS, COPD are the four currently covered.
Eden COPD Walking Group
A health walk for individuals diagnosed with COPD and other lung related conditions. Free taster then need local's pass
Cornwall Breathers
The Cornwall Breathers website and charity is intended to help spread the benefits of this approach more widely, by becoming a resource and communications channel for patients, carers and health professionals. Support groups based around Cornwall
British Lung Foundation
The British Lung Foundation (BLF) is the only UK charity working for everyone affected by lung disease. We focus our resources on providing support for people affected by lung disease. The BLF works in a variety of ways, including funding world-class research, campaigning to bring about positive change in lung health and improving treatment, care and support for people affected by lung disease.